Houthi rebels in Yemen attack a Saudi ship


Saudi state television reports that Shiite rebel groups in Yemen or Houthi have attacked a Saudi ship off the country's west coast.

Al-Ekhbariya television quoted a statement by the Saudi coalition that the group's attacks had slightly damaged oil tankers. (19659002) However, while the Al-Masirah television channel operated by a rebel group in Yemen, said Wednesday (25/7), their naval troops targeted Saudi warships called Dammam, not oil tankers .

The Saudi-led coalition that supports the internationally acclaimed Yemeni government is at war with Iran-backed rebel groups since 2015.

In recent months, the war has been taking place. is concentrated on the west coast of Yemen, especially around the main port city of Hodeida.

The coalition repeatedly accused the Saudi enemy of Iran of arming rebels, a charge denied by the Houthis.

In recent weeks, the United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen has organized meetings with warring groups in an effort to revive peace talks. [ab/uh]

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