How Healthy is Popcorn for Snacks?


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Some people may choose popcorn as a snack while watching a movie. However, is this healthy food a snack?

This snack is your best drink when in its purest form of popcorn. When nothing is added, a cup of popcorn contains 31 calories, 1 gram of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of fiber.

Popcorn Loaded antioxidants, Lho

"Popcorn has not only a lot of fiber, but also very little fat, not enough calories, and it can also fill you up," says dietitian Abby. Langer from Toronto, Canada

Is this the same for microwave-cooked popcorn?

Unfortunately, there are some health problems badociated with popcorn – have you ever opened a bag of popcorn? in fresh chocolate in the microwave? The odor that strikes is so strong that it contains a number of chemicals.

Read: Popcorn and 8 These Foods may suppress your hunger

Experts warn you not to inhale dangerous, though rare. "Water vapor and some kind of chemistry – maybe vegetable oil metabolites – come out" , says Len Horovitz, a lung specialist at Lenox Hill Hospita l in New York, according to Time

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