How often can sex be administered to a pregnant woman?


For couples, having bad has become a need to satisfy. But sometimes, this activity becomes something that is quite worried during pregnancy. In fact, bad during pregnancy is safe just like the days before your pregnancy. However, of course, there are things to note. It is not uncommon that there are various questions about bad during pregnancy, including the frequency of sekinkan

How often can bad be done?

Although some couples worry about badual intercourse during pregnancy, this activity is inevitable. discourage the badual pbadion of the other. In fact, some may feel more excited if you have bad during pregnancy. Well, then comes the question often asked by many couples, how many times, anyway, bad during pregnancy can be done?

In fact, there is no specific or maximum limit that mentions how often bad during pregnancy. You and your partner can determine how well prepared the physical and mental conditions for badual activity. However, the generally high level of badual arousal of both partners in each trimester determines the duration of badual activity.

First Quarter

Quote from Parents, research shows that 54% of pregnant women experience a decrease in badual desire that decreases during the first trimester. This happens because the beginning of pregnancy is the most difficult time for some women.

Breasts that experience pain, prolonged nausea and uncertain mood are generally a cause of low badual arousal in women. However, this usually lasts only a few weeks and will return to normal even though the body's condition begins to stabilize.

Second quarter

In the second quarter, the state of the woman's body begins to stabilize. The fatigue and nausea he had experienced in the first trimester had pbaded. Usually, you will feel badier because physically, the clitoris and bad will also be bigger because of the increase in blood volume.

Thus, the pleasure will be even greater. In fact, many women experience multibad bad for the first time in life in the second trimester of pregnancy.

When women feel at the top of their pbadion, men sometimes experience the opposite. Because, at that moment, the baby begins to look enlarged, the belly of his partner is more and more bulging.

For badual desire to decrease because there are fears that badual activities can hurt the baby. If you and your partner manage to control your concerns, it is very likely that the frequency of your intimate relationship with your partner increases

Third Quarter

In the last quarter, barriers to bad increased. An enlarged stomach and energy that exhausts easily for women make many couples experience a decrease in badual activity.

However, you can still have bad whenever you want, as long as fitness allows it. In addition, for couples who can find the right badual position during pregnancy, this routine will work well until the end of work time.

Focus on the quality of bad, not the amount

  bad during pregnancy

Much or less badual activity that you and your partner do during pregnancy do not become the reference of the happiness. The most important thing is to focus on the quality of bad that you and your partner do rather than thinking about the quantity. The reason is that the frequency of bad is rare but can keep your intimacy and partner rather than often but not qualified.

Therefore, do not be seasoned at the frequency of bad but rather how to take advantage of you and your partner during bad. While pregnancy is healthy and doctors do not ask you to take a full break, you can do it as often as you want, because bad will be very safe even when she is pregnant

. "From Hello Sites in Health


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