How to overcome sleep paralysis –


It is estimated that up to 50% of adults suffer from sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime. Here are some tips to overcome it.

Imagine getting up early in the morning. You can see and hear all around you and breathe well, but you can not move. Absolutely.

Your limbs are frozen, the head is heavy, can not even move a toe. A few minutes pbad, and the moment before you go crazy, you take control of your body.

It's scary, is not it? It was like experiencing sleep paralysis or sleep paralysis a temporary condition that made it impossible to move or talk during sleep or wakefulness. If these symptoms seem familiar, you are in a safe position, it is estimated that almost 50 percent of adults suffer from sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime.

Why does sleep paralysis occur?

Staying late, as 35% of Americans do regularly, is one of the leading factors of sleep paralysis. "When we see people who are sleep deprived, they are the ones who tend to have it," says Michael Breus, PhD, inventor Patients, psychiatric patients on drugs that affect the quality of their sleep, or even new mothers are more susceptible to the disease. The most common group for experiencing sleep paralysis are those with narcolepsy, a disorder that causes extreme fatigue.

What happens during sleep paralysis?

There are three types of muscles in the human body, says Gary Zammit, Ph.D., executive director of the Institute of Sleep Disorders: Heart Muscle, or your heart; smooth muscle, occurring in internal organs and functioning without your control; as well as skeletal muscle, which moves limbs and other parts. In sleep paralysis the heart muscle and smooth muscles work well, so internally, your body works as usual, but you lose control of skeletal muscle.

Although you are likely to wake up at night and feel physically paralyzed, it could happen before you wake up in the morning. That's when you are usually in the stage REM sleep or the third stage of sleep (where you dream), says Michael. "When REM sleep our bodies are paralyzed, so we do not act as we wish. Otherwise, we will be thoughtless, "he said. In sleep paralysis you are in paradoxical sleep while the brain wakes up, the body feels paralyzed.

What is a phantom sleep paralysis?

'Ghost sleep paralysis & # 39; is a common calling for the frightening and apparent hallucinations that some people experience when sleep paralysis . They can occur while sleeping ( hypnagogic ) or awake ( hypnopompic ). This varies for everyone, but general hallucinations include the sensation that someone looks at you, is dragged out of bed, or someone sitting on your chest. If you've ever had hallucinations like this (not very popular in Indonesia), that does not mean sleep paralysis You're more serious, just more terrible.

How long does paralysis last?

Even though it's scary, this feeling will only last 15 seconds to a minute. So do not panic. "The more anxious he is, the longer it will last," said Michael. "If you breathe and can blink, you are not permanently paralyzed. This is a sign that you need a lot of sleep. You were sure to sleep early tonight?

Is Sleep Paralysis Severe? Can he die of sleep paralysis?

Often, sleep paralysis occurs for a moment, say that you are late or that you have time to get quality sleep a few nights in a row. This is not always dangerous or something to worry about. But you should consult with someone, a neurologist or a sleep specialist, if you experience it more than once every two weeks, says Michael.

Although there is no official test to diagnose it, a doctor can help you determine what is happening during the interview. Better sleep and more rest can reduce sleep paralysis but some patients also take tricyclic antidepressants .

Keep in mind sleep paralysis if you have 2 children who are not sleeping either. Narcolepsy does not often appear before the teenage age, says Michael, so you'll want to check if your child is suffering from this disease

If you share a mattress with someone who has sleep paralysis Dr. Gary says people who report this will stop when someone will touch them. Try to help your colleague from this terrible moment by touching him

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