Illness of mild influenza, but can cause death


RAKYATKU.COM – Frequent flu or flu? Many people think that the flu can heal on its own. "The flu is a benign disease, but the number of deaths from influenza according to the WHO is increasing every year," said dr. Iris Rengganis, SpDP, K-AI, FINASIM, quoted by Detik Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 500,000 deaths from influenza occur each year. Everyone could be exposed to the flu and complications can occur, especially in children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women.

Complications of the flu may include pneumonia, ear infections, may aggravate the condition of the media such as heart failure, asthma or diabetes.

Immunity acquired by influenza vaccination can last up to one year. Therefore, it is considered that vaccination is needed several times each year. The effectiveness of vaccination depends on the similarity of the vaccine strains with the circulating virus and the age and health status of the immunized individuals or vaccines

Vaccinated persons do not receive usually not the flu but the spread of the virus is widespread. In the past, there were only two types of influenza viruses, but currently the virus has increased to four types of viruses

Influenza is divided into two types: the annual flu that occurs every winter or winter and pandemic influenza that occurs for example viral mutation such as the bird flu virus

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