Image and Omzet Take Off, MSME Products Enter Modern Retail


BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, BANJARMASIN – Can sell its products in modern retail stores become one of the dreams of some small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially in Banua. By existing in modern retail stores, it is believed that the brand image of the product is getting stronger and that the turnover can increase.

But it turns out that not all MSMEs can penetrate modern retailers. On the other hand, modern retailers can not accept all kinds of UMKM products with a variety of considerations, one of which does not match the market segment.

Ryan is one of the lucrative players of UMKM whose products can be found in modern stores. Already four years ago, the product of the Banjarbaru business man is sold in the Giant Banjarmasin store

According to Ryan, currently on the 10 types of products, there are three that penetrate modern retail.
The three types of products are dried fish, Sambal shoes and Haruan crackers that are delivered on average to modern retailers from 800 to 1,000 packs a month.

This figure reaches about 25% of the total production of each type of product. According to Ryan, the sale of products in the modern retail industry presents a myriad of positive benefits, among others, more and more known and popular, making it a means of effective promotion.

In addition, the advantages of UMKM products? how are the obstacles faced by SME entrepreneurs? read the full news at Banjarmasin Post on Wednesday (3/7/2018). (*)

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