Immunization MR Need? – Serambi Indonesia



AUGUST and SEP 2018 are scheduled for vaccination against Rubella measles (MR) for the exterior of Java, including Aceh. On the island of Java was in August and September 2017 last year. Immunization is an attempt to increase immunity against a disease, so that if a day exposed to the disease will not be sick or only mild illness.

The purpose of this MR immunization is to rapidly increase immunity against measles and rubella; to break the transmission (transmission) of the measles and rubella virus; to reduce the morbidity due to measles and rubella; and reduces the incidence of conbad rubella syndrome or CRS

This MR vaccine is a newly used vaccine in Indonesia and subsidized by the government, which means that it is completely free to the public. This vaccine prevents the disease measles (measles) and rubella. Measles was caused by the morbili virus with symptoms of high fever for several days, accompanied by cough and runny nose, and red eyes.

Followed the appearance of a rash. The fever will then fall after the red rash fills the body. The rash will disappear slowly and without a trace. This disease can cause complications such as pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, inflammation of the ear, diarrhea and dehydration, as well as the risk of death.

The symptoms of rubella are almost the same as those of measles. In fact, in 50% of cases, rubella had no symptoms. However, the transmission rate is very high. Similar to measles, the rubella virus is transmitted through the respiratory tract, by sputum splatter or sneezing. But if the rubella virus attacks pregnant women, the effect is very heavy. The mother may be suffering from a miscarriage or a born baby may have a disability.

This disability may be conbad heart disease (leaking heart), damage to brain tissue that may cause paralysis or mental retardation, conbad cataracts (a white membrane in the lens), and hearing and / or hearing. deafness. This condition is called CRS.

The burden that must be borne if there is a CRS patient is very big. If conbad cataracts need to be operated on and use the glbades from the baby. Deafness should be done surgery and implantation of hearing aids. Damage to brain tissue causes delays in growth and development, so a life span of physiotherapy is required. Heart abnormalities should undergo cardiac surgery. In addition to the cost of hundreds of millions of non-material lifelong charges for the elderly

Still needed
Up to now, the vaccination program is still needed because according to the data of the UNICEF, there are 1.5 million babies / death, caused by a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination. And if asked if the MR vaccine is needed? The answer is very necessary for our country Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the 6 priority countries with the highest number of unaffected / unvaccinated children in the world

Indonesia is in the top 10 countries with largest cases of measles in the world. The number of measles cases in 2010-2015 was 23,164 cases. The number of rubella cases 2010-2015 was 30,463 cases and the number of cases of CRS in 2013 amounted to 2,767 cases. The global goal is the elimination of measles and rubella by 2020 and Indonesia is committed to eliminating measles and rubella control and the CRS by 2020.

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