Imported deterrent products enter the IR, the 4,000 IKM target of the Ministry of Industry uses Tokopedia Cs

[ad_1] – The Ministry of Industry targets 4,000 small and medium-sized industries (IKM) in the country to join the IKM e-Smart program in 2018. "We continue to encourage our SMEs to market their products on the market through the e-Smart IKM program, which is a database system presenting the shape of IKM profiles, centers and products, "said IKM General Manager Kemenperin Gati Wibawaningsih in Jakarta Saturday (30/6).

According to Gati, the use of e-Smart IKM can also provide products, security and standardization.Since the launch of e-Smart IKM in January 2017 Kemenperin holds a number of domestic markets such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Blibli, Shopee and

IKM e-Smart workshops were also organized to support the implementation of the program. training two days on knowledge to improve their competitiveness and business productivity and get socialization related to the provision of facilities by the Ministry of Industry

. On the second day, Gati continued, participants at the e-Smart workshop received training on how to photograph the product, upload photos and sell on the market. SMEs whose products are not sold on the market will benefit from additional supervision so that their products can compete with imported products marketed through e-commerce.

"The concept of coaching that we propose in the IKM e-Smart program, from downstream to upstream, because we want to know the market first, then we know what is produced, "he explained.

Gati hopes, IKM e-Smart program aims at domestic market is not dominated by imported products. "Let's hope that the domestic products of SMEs can expand their market and be known by the national and international community," he added.

To date, the transaction value of IKM e-Smart is more than 601 million Rp. Metal products dominate 48.26% of sales with a transaction value of 290 million rupees, then 30 , 72% or 184 million rupiahs, and food and beverages of 14.01% or 84 million rupiahs. said Gati. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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