Imran Khan expected to be Pakistan's new Prime Minister – VIVA


Imran Khan, a former Pakistani politician turned politician, leads polls in elections, his main rival accusing the election results of numerous frauds

With a total of 30% of votes, the Pakistan Elections Committee declared that Khan Party of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) conducts polls in 113 out of 272 elections for members of the national parliament.

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Nawaz Premier League Leader (PML-N) The Pakistan People's Party (PPP), led by the son of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, excels in 39 constituencies.

A KPU official said Thursday that the overall result was delayed due to technical problems.

"There is no conspiracy, no pressure to delay the election results". said KPU secretary Babar Yaqoob.

"The delay is due to the fact that the delivery system has problems."
Preliminary estimates released by four local television shows also show that Imran Khan's party is also in the lead, with estimates of winning between 107 and 120 seats

Fawad Chaudhry, spokesman for the Khan Party, showed his confidence when the projection was broadcast on TV, Twitter "Congratulations to the nation for the new Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan."

  Boys who hang and sit on it wave flags and applaud. Imran Khan's supporters celebrate what they expect …

Imran Khan's supporters celebrate what they hope to be a victory for the ancient cricket star (Photo: Reuters) [ABC News]

[19659005] While Nawaz Sharif's brother, Shehbaz, who now heads the Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), rejected the vote count after declaring that soldiers stationed in polling stations had banned party controllers

 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif addressed reporters outside the premises of the joint investigation team.
Nawaz Sharif is in prison and the campaign of his party is led by his brother.

AP: BK Bangash

"There was a fraud, the people's term was abused, it's something that can not be saidirma." "

] Another large party, the PPP and several smaller parties also submitted a similar report on fraud

Wednesday's election is an election for the second transfer of civilian power to 71 years of age. Independence of Pakistan

But the campaign was colored by allegations that the army was attempting to win the Khan party with the Sharif and was jailed this month for alleged corruption.

Nearly 371,000 soldiers are stationed in polling stations across the country, five times more than soldiers deployed in previous elections in 2013.

on important issues, from the economic crisis to the deterioration of the relationship with Bitter Ika United who had been an ally, up to the water crisis across the country.


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