In addition to coffee, tea has many health benefits. INews Portal


JAKARTA, – In this world, many drinks have various health benefits, including coffee. Many books have revealed the benefits of coffee for health, especially for the heart. If you do not like coffee, you also have other choices, namely tea.

Yes, drinks with health benefits are not just coffee. Tea that can be enjoyed at any time with hot or cold dishes, also has advantages that are not inferior to coffee. Huh? Go, see the summary information of Today & # 39; hui Thursday (18/10/2018).

Tea reduces the risk of heart disease

Not only can coffee reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Tea also has the same effect. Several studies, one of which was published earlier this year, explained that nearly 20% of people who drank green tea one to three cups of green tea a day reduced the risk of heart attack and 35% the risk of stroke.

In fact, those who drank at least four cups of green tea every day had a risk of heart infarction reduced by 32 percent and reduced LDL cholesterol.

Tea increases immunity

Did you know that tea can increase your immunity? Research shows that tea can increase immune cells, thus avoiding infection with seasonal or easily contagious diseases if your immune system is weak.

Tea reduces the risk of cancer

In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, tea is also mentioned in the study can reduce the risk of cancer. This has proven to be related to the content of polyphenols and antioxidants contained in green tea, which can protect cells from damage to the DNA. In addition, polyphenols in tea can protect against damage caused by ultraviolet light.

Healthy digestive system for tea

Drinking herbal tea is actually able to calm the digestive tract, thus avoiding digestive disorders. According to research, herbal teas, especially chamomile tea, are very beneficial for those who suffer from bowel irritation.

Publisher: Tuty Ocktaviany

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