In addition to leukemia, it is a cancer that has also attacked many children



18 July 2018 16:04

Dream – The sad news comes from Denada Tambunan. Shakira Aurum, the only girl, has been convicted of leukemia. The disease is a blood cancer that is very clever and can threaten Shakira's life.

Age Shakira 5.5 years, but the cancer has gnawed. Apparently, leukemia is one of the most common cancers in children. In addition, according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there is another type of cancer that is also often diidap children.

Cancer is retinoblastoma. Quote from Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor of the eye that is common in infants and children under 5 years of age. Cancer can occur on one side or both eyes and can lead to blindness and even death.

The symptoms usually manifest in the form of white pearls or cat's eyes. The white-eyed pearl is a white shadow that appears on the side of the eye, while the cat's eye is yellowish in a dark place, like a cat.

There are other symptoms such as strabismus, red eye, ocular eye tissue, and blind. It is important to track birth and physical examination every month with vaccination.

This disease results from the process of genetic mutations in nerve cells of the retina. This causes the growth and development of nerve cells and the formation of tumors in the retina.

These tumors can also grow and fill almost all of the vitreous humor (a substance like jam that fills the eyeball). In addition, it can break and spread to other parts of the eye. If you feel that the child's eyes have a white or swollen, red shadow, consult a doctor immediately.

Source: MOH /

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