In addition to PMN, Hutama Karya Jajaki Bond


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Chief Executive Officer of PT. Hutama Karya Persero or HK, I Gusti Ngurah Putra (left) with the HK board of directors spoke after giving an exhibition on the new HK vision in Jakarta on Thursday (3/11). HK has a new vision of becoming a leading developer of infrastructure in Indonesia by 2030 and will develop a multi-business-based infrastructure through investment, services, construction and operations. manufacturing. BALANCE / Widi Suparwedi



Jakarta – The Ministry of State Enterprises (SE) proposes a Participatory State Participation (PMN) of Rp 12.5 trillion in the State Plan of Income and Expenses of 2019 (RAPBN) of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) to build eight Trans-Sumatera toll roads with a total investment of Rp 81 billion

In addition to the current PMN process discussed in the DPR, Hutama Karya is also encouraged to issue bonds with government guarantees. Earlier in 2015 and 2016, the government paid 5.6 trillion rupees to Hutama Karya. The head of the State Budget Risk Mitigation Branch at the Ministry of Finance, Riko Amir, said the supply of PMN to meet the financing needs of eight toll roads Trans -Sumatera. "We are trying to look at various financing to overcome the funding," he said, adding that government support is not only in the form of PMN, but also because it will increase the funds Hutama Karya's own, "he said yesterday in for the construction and securitization of badets, as well as the granting of government guarantees on the issuance of debt securities Hutama Karya The granting of government guarantees is expected to increase the bankability of the Trans-Sumatera toll road project, in particular by improving the loan solvency and issuance of Hutama Karya bonds while providing certainty to potential investors "There is still a lot of Rp 12.5 trillion, so there is always a possibility of issuing bonds, so there will be a combination of not only PMN," he said.

this time, Head of the Regulatory Agency of tolls (BPJT) Herry Trisaputra said that in addition to providing PMN, the government has also awarded contracts for the management of several Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) toll roads to Hutama Karya as an underlying for the issuance of bonds or loans for Trans-Sumatera Toll Road. a guarantee letter on a loan for Medan-Binjai Toll of Rp 481 billion, Palembang-Indralaya toll of Rp 1.2 trillion, and a bond guarantee for Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll of Rp 6.5 billion. "Currently, the government and Hutama Karya are in the process of consulting for the issuance of a letter of guarantee on the Pekanbaru-Dumai segment," he said.

Up to June 2018, the company recorded a net profit of Rp 614 billion. This figure has increased significantly compared to the same period in 2017 rising to Rp 361.9 billion. Hutama Karya's chief financial officer, Anis Anjayani, said the profit was supported by the company's revenue of Rp 9.6 billion in June 2018. Meanwhile, in the same period last year it rose to Rp 5.1 billion, "In June 2018, the profit already registered Rp 614 billion.The profit this year is 1.45 trillion rupees."

The turnover comes from various sectors of activity, namely construction services with a 17.49% share, 60.9% toll road development, 5.45% subsidiaries 16.1% and other 14.4% This year, Hutama Karya is targeting a turnover of 25.7 trillion rupees and a profit of 1.4 trillion rupees, while for obtaining new contracts, Anis explained until the end of the year. in June 2018 the acquisition of new HK contracts rising to Rp 13.3 trillion, while the project was won until June 2018 for a total of so much Rp 15.94 trillion.

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