In five months, there are 294 people against lung disease in the Saint


Journalist's Report Central Java Tribune, Rifqi Gozali

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, KUDUS – Endang's face is nostalgic when it shows the number of Kudus people with Obstructive Respiratory Disease Chronicle (COPD). The diseases that attack the vital organs of the lungs, between January and May 2018, reached 294 people who were attacked.

Turning the file, the woman who now holds the position of chief of noncommunicable diseases at the Kudus district health office admitted concerned. The reason is that, only five months, the number of people with COPD is half the total more than the total 2017 year of 489 people

"This means that five months this year has been twice as much high that in 2017 ".

This figure was obtained from the report of all Kudus Puskesmas. Then he does not want to face, but because the efforts to overcome such as in the form of public guidance related to cigarette consumption is very difficult. Because smoking has become a habit among the public.

Just known, COPD is a disease that attacks the vital organs of the human body, the lungs, almost as invisible as asthma. Also experience shortness of breath. It's just that the way of handling is different.

"If asthma is because the sender should avoid the sender." But if COPD is a smokers' story, one must avoid smoking. "Smoking is a habit. Other efforts by the Health Bureau hinder the transfer of positions in the health office

The reason why Kasi PTM began to be formed in 2017. The program related to the reduction of consumption cigarettes that had been done previously had no follow up. "From the health office, I did UBM (Stop Smoking Efforts) training I never had the data. It means disconnected. Me, if the mamu also continues to be a hbadle, "he says.

One of the holy residents who suffers from lung disease, Fauzan, said, in recent years, that he did not smoke, what is he doing is paying.The illness is no longer recurring.

The 58-year-old man is now more likely to "get sick." to have excellent health after not smoking.When there are people around him who smoke, he feels very disturbed.It often happened to him to reprimand him, but when he was ignored, it was him who was avoiding to be exposed to cigarette smoke. (*)

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