In Iraq, the Islamic State now adopts a guerrilla warfare strategy


BAGHDAD, – A few months after Iraq's victory over the Islamic State, the group sporadically reappeared in the process of committing murders and kidnappings

The Dream of build the caliphate in the Near East is virtually dead (19659002) The Islamic State has changed shape several months before Baghdad officially announces the defeat of the group in December.

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Iraq is characterized today by an increasing number of kidnappings and murders, particularly in the provinces of Kirkuk, Diyala and Salahuddin since May 1965

This shows that the Iraqi government is now under pressure. ISIS since the organization has controlled a third of the country's territory of about three

Last month, in the three provinces, there were 83 kidnappings, mainly on the highway linking Baghdad and the province of Kirkuk.

In May, the number of abductions in the region reached 30 cases.

"In April, the number of kidnappings in the same area was only seven," said Hisham Al-Hashimi, an expert from the Islamic State who advises the Iraqi government.

An incident occurred on June 17 when three Iraqi Shiites were abducted. The Islamic State disguised as a police officer and conducted checks on the highway

Ten days later, the bodies of the three men were found in a mutilated state and equipped with bombs to kill anyone who found the three bodies

the Hemrin Mountains of northeastern Iraq that extends from Diyala Province to the border with Iran.

These mountains then head north through the provinces of Salahuddin and Kirkuk. , 40 Killed

This area became very dangerous until the Iraqi security apparatus called it "triangle of death".

Iraqi military and intelligence agencies are not sure how many members of the Islamic State are still active in the country.

Al-Hashimi calls the number of members of the Islamic State in Iraq over 1000, with 500 people in the desert and the rest in Iraq.

On the other hand, various attempts to trace and kill the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have so far not yielded results.

Meanwhile, ISE members are loyal to Al-Baghdadi. 19659002] In Syria, although still carrying some territory, the EI was very weak on the military level.

In Egypt, the IS is concentrated in the almost uninhabited area of ​​the northern Sinai Desert.

In Sinai, ISIL does not control a territory but often conducts guerrilla attacks against Egyptian forces.

While in Libya, ISIS seeks to recover its power through car units in the desert and sleeping cells in the country's cities.

Back in Iraq, the Islamic State tries to take advantage of the ethnic and sectarian divisions in Iraq

Read also: Join the Islamic State, a US citizen arrested in Syria sent to his country

Kurds clashed with ISIS but links between the two ethnic groups were tense after the Kurds wanted to proclaim their independence last year.

Moreover, the lack of coordination led to a power vacuum between Iraqis and Kurds. 19659029]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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