In Nigeria, tankers are on fire, 9 dead and 53 vehicles destroyed

[ad_1] – A tanker truck burned yesterday in Lagos, Nigeria. The incident killed nine people and destroyed another 53 vehicles.

A spokeswoman for the Lagos Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), Adeshina Tiamiyu, said the accident had occurred on a highway linking Lagos to the city of & [39;Ibadan"Ninepeoplewerekilledwhilefourotherswereinjuredtheywereevacuatedtothehospital"TiamiyusaidquotedbyReutersonFriday(29/6)Avideobroadcastbylocalmediaappearedtobeavehicleinarowwhileathickblacksmokewasrisingatthesceneofthecrash

Bisi Kazeem, spokesman for the Road Safety Commission, said the accident was due to a brake. The tanker struck five buses, two trucks, three wheels and 45 other cars until it burned.

Following this incident, the local government also offered its condolences and promised to take measures to ensure the safety of citizens. [19659003"Wearepayingmoreattentiontothefamiliesofthevictimsandtothosewhohavelostthepropertyofthisaccident"saidthespokesmanoftheGovernmentofLagosKehindbamigbetan

"As governments, we will not give up ensuring the safety of citizens and their property," he added. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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