Inalum Reasons more to choose foreign financing than domestic


Journalist, Tioconny Billy Apfia

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – To buy PT Freeport Indonesia shares (PT FI), PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) as a holding company preferred to use the Financing (19659003) PT Inalum's Chief Financial Officer, Orias Petrus Moedak, explains it because Inalum is looking for the smallest interest.

Foreign loans are mentioned as lower interest rates. In addition, Freeport revenues use the US dollar, so foreign financing is considered more profitable.

"The logic would be cheaper if borrowed, Freeport's income also uses US dollars Find the cheapest funds," said Orias during a meeting in Parliament, South Jakarta, Monday (23/7 / 2018).

Party of Inalum was optimistic, can get financing from abroad to see ebitda or keu "If you do not have enough, you have 4 billion dollars everyone also wants it, it's a good article, "said Orias.

As for the amount of loans needed to bought Freeport shares worth 3.85 billions of dollars, which would be used to buy Rio Tinto's stake in Freeport for 3.5 billion US dollars, then the remaining 350 million dollars to buy Indocooper shares in Freeport

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