Inarno Djajadi Alternates Tito Sulistio So President Director of BEI


New directors of the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2018-2021. (Photo: Vicky Rachman)

The annual shareholders' meeting of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) appoints Inarno Djajadi as president of the IDX period 2018-2021 to replace Tito Sulistios, chairman and CEO EIB (2015-2018

Inarno is committed to developing capital markets in accordance with the capital market law number 8 of 1995. Inarno mentioned that it had obtained the support of EIB employees and the parties. Capital market stakeholders to develop the capital market. "The expectation is to become a larger market in terms of capitalization, the liquid market, more products offered, so it can be competitive with other scholarships, "said Inarno according to the AGMS of the Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Building Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday (29/6/2018).

Inarno was a bachelor of economics from the Gadjah Mada University in 1988. One year ago s late, the man born in Yogyakarta, December 31, 1962, began his career as Treasury Office at PT Bank Uppindo

Inarno career continued to climb when he was appointed director in the period PT Aspac Upindo Sekuritas 1991-1997. Subsequently, he became director of PT Mitra Duta Sekuritas in 1997-1999. He was also a director of PT Widari Securities in 1999. In 2003-2009, Inarno became managing director of PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia. Still in the same company, he becomes commissioner of the 2013-2016 period. At its peak, he is president of the company's commissioner in 2013-2016. Inarno is also appointed chairman of PT Maybank Kim Eng Securities in 2013 and 2014.

Inarno argues that the IDX work program targets three strategic objectives, namely the introduction of new products through the implementation of available new products and other products. and strengthening directly by the treatment [STP] with other capital market players and regulators as well as the harmonization of regulations for the development of new products.

The second objective is to increase the number of listed companies and investors. This step was followed by the coaching of startups (19459005) ), SMEs, partnerships with financial technology companies, the privatization of public companies and local businesses and invited mining companies early 19459006 business management and accommodative registration standards for the needs of the market. "To increase the number of investors, measures taken to strengthen inclusion programs, education, literacy and streamlining of the account opening process are supported by increased availability and access to data, information and market realities ". transactions and liquidity by improving the characteristics and capacity of the trading system, anticipating inter alia the algorithmic trading methods and high frequency as well as the short sale borrowing securities of loan and implementation of margin financing according to the needs of the market. "The three strategic objectives will be supported by the expansion of the type of exchange and will increase the capacity of the members of the stock market," he said.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian capital market has made significant progress in terms of the number of listed companies. . All thanks to the efforts of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and all the players who have managed to make breakthroughs in almost every aspect of capital market activity.

Indonesia Capital Market registered in 2017 the highest level of market capitalization (Rp7,052 billion) (6,355.65 points), and market transactions in terms of volume (11.95 billion units of stock per day), value (Rp 7.6 billion per day) and trading frequency (312.48 thousand transactions). Tito Sulistio, at the EIB's Stock Exchange in 2018 at EIB Main Hall, said Friday that this achievement was partly due to the expansion of the domestic investor base thanks to the efforts of the Indonesian capital market to attract new potential investors in EIB.

IDX with all capital market players is able to increase capital market literacy to 15%, referring to the Nielsen survey in 2017, thus providing a solid foundation for development future of BEI. Currently, the number of investors in the capital markets has reached 1.12 million identification of a single investor (SID) although on the other hand, the EIB sees the opportunity to increase capital market literacy still widely open

that, EIB is devoting all its power and a series of initiatives to increase literacy market market capital. Among others, continue to echo the Yuk Nabung Stock campaign, the optimization of the regional development function and the IDX range that included 324 Investment Gallery, 29 representative offices and 6 GB Public Information Center up to At the end of 2017, "said Tito on the sidelines of the stock exchange AGM. 19659002] In addition to being a vehicle for public investment, the capital market also has a growing strategic role as a source of financing for the business world. The IPO was successfully completed by 37 companies in 2017, the highest performance of the last 23 years with a total of Rp. 960 billion.

With the addition of Preemptive Rights (HMETD) ) and the conversion of the Warrants, then the registration of equity securities during the year 2017 successfully raised funds amounting to 85 trillion rupees, up 13, 23% against 75.76 billion rupiahs in 2016. On the other hand, the accumulation of funds reached Rp 726.03 billion or 21, 5% compared to 2016.

Throughout From the year 2017, the fundraising for the listing of shares and bonds reached Rp 812 trillion, the largest in the history of capital market growth. in Indonesia. On the other hand, IDX, with its strategic role, also continues to promote securities trading activity on a regular, fair and efficient basis.

IDX maintains the sustainability of the company by ensuring profitability in each activity. Thus, throughout the year 2017, BEI managed to obtain 1.2 trillion rupees and to generate a net profit of 3 billion rand. The amount of cash and cash equivalents maintained in the range of Rp 2.4 trillion and the increase in the value of equity of BEI to R3.6 billion by the end of 2017.

IDX also continues to improve the capital market infrastructure, including striving to improve the information technology infrastructure, as well as the development of the new data center that will be able to increase the availability factor of the IT equipment of BEI up to 99.98% in the near future. EIB has also successfully obtained ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management and ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System

In 2017, EIB has been named as one of the best companies Asian to work for HR Asia. This award reflects a favorable working environment for young and dynamic exchange staff.

Substitution of the Board of Directors

The 2015 Stock Exchange also lists some of the shareholder-approved agendas such as Approval of the Annual Report including the Supervisory Report of the Shareholders' Meeting. Board of Trustees and Ratification of the Company's Financial Statements for FY 2017, Appointment and Appointment of the Company's Public Accountant for the 2018 Fiscal Year, Approval of the Provision for the Permanent Directors and Appointment of Members of the Company board of directors 2018 -2021

The seven members of the board of directors of EIB who finish their mandate are Tito Sulistio (managing director); Samsul Hidayat; Hamdi Hbadyarbaini; Alpino Kianjaya; Nicky Hogan; Sulistyo Budi; and Chaeruddin Berlian. The General Meeting of Shareholders of BEI 2018 also presents the seven new directors appointed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on the basis of the letter S-74 / D.04 / 2018 concerning the submission of the list of candidates of PT BEI 2018-2021 director Inarno Djayadi Chief Executive Officer); IGD N Yetna Setia; Laksono Widito Widodo; Kristian Sihar Manullang; Fithri Hadi; Hasan Fawzi; and Risa Effenita Rustam. The AGMS brought together 104 shareholders (representing 99.05% of the total number of shareholders with the right to vote). In the future, IDX will continue to encourage the growth of the Indonesian capital market with good governance, highly skilled staff and world-clbad infrastructure support.

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