SIDRAP, KOMPAS.com – President Joko Widodo admired marveled at the inauguration of the Bayu Power Station (PLTB) in Sidrap, south of Sulawesi. He felt like in Europe when he saw Aeolian (WTG) or windmill in the PLTB. "I feel like in the Netherlands, as in Europe, but we are in Sidrap," said Jokowi. at the inauguration of PLTB Sidrap, South Sulawesi, Monday (2/7/2018).
Jokowi admitted happy to see the PLTB located in Mattirotasi village, Watang Pulu district, Sidrap Regency worked. The wind power station is the first in Indonesia
"I am very happy this afternoon, this Sidrap PLTB I see the older propellers, it means that the wind is more than enough," says Jokowi
Sidrap PLTB is located in the village Mattirotasi The sub-district of Watang Pulu, Sidrap Regency, has 30 wind turbines (WTG) or a windmill.
It is estimated that a total of 30 wind turbines will produce 75 megawatts (MW) of electricity. supply of electricity to 70,000 customers in the South Sulawesi area with an average electrical power of 900 volts
The plant uses a domestic component level (TKDN) of. about 40% and absorbs about 1150 workers.
erected 30 wind turbines with a height of 80 meters and a blade of 57 meters long
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