Indonesia is still in the process of creating food security


Indonesia is still in the creation phase of food security

  Photo: Special
Photo: Special [19659006] JAKARTA, – Mr. Moeldoko, President of the Indonesian Peasant Harmony Association (HKTI), revealed a number of problems currently facing farmers in the country. One of the main challenges is the management of increasingly narrow lands. Therefore, efforts must be made to ensure the availability and equity of basic food for the entire community. The reason is that up to now, Indonesia is still at the stage of food security, has not reached the phase of food self-sufficiency

"The national average of our agricultural land is 0.2 to 0.3 hectare.The land is also damaged by the use of pesticides and fertilizer, "said Moeldoko, at the Forum of Agriculture and Agriculture. Feed (ASAFF) organized by HKTI, at JCC, Jakarta, Thursday (28/6).

In addition, post-harvest management becomes a challenge. Farmers also lose agricultural products, up to 10 percent if they are not managed properly. The use of technology, said the chief of staff of the presidency is also still not too much touch the land treatment process.

"Farmers are not familiar with management approaches, they are as usual, they are like that," said the chief of staff of the former president of the TNI Commander

On the other hand, capital is still a constraint. Although the government has been present in various programs to help the capital farmers, but still difficult for farmers to access the bank. In the future, this should be resolved.

"If you talk about food security, the most important thing is that people can enjoy it, and the price is fairly stable, if that happens, the national food stock should not be lower," he said. . national, if the domestic production is not able to achieve its goal is to import. However, imported faucets must also be manufactured on the basis of accurate data.

"We must understand that the national requirement is 2, 4 million tons per month, so if we can not do it we must import the import it's n & rsquo; There is no big problem faced by this nation because the stomach problem is a very sensitive issue "

Moeldoko, who also holds a PhD in Public Administration Sciences, said that It is necessary to understand the need for importation to meet national food needs

"We must be realistic," he said.

In addition, Moeldoko understands the desire of the Minister of Agriculture to create food self-sufficiency. But this is certainly not something that is easy to achieve. There are a number of things that could hinder the achievement of this goal, from weather, pests and other factors. "19659007" Not as we describe this agriculture once grown crop, not many obstacles, "said Moeldoko. Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo agrees with Moeldoko's statement, saying that the problem of food self-sufficiency in Indonesia is linked to the availability of converted farmland

This land agreement is so vast that the The transition from farmland to agriculture to non-farmland is so mbadive that it will threaten domestic production and domestic production to meet the food adequacy of the Indonesian citizen, "said Jangkung. . in Indonesia reaches 400,000 hectares a year.

Currently, Jangk The regulation of the protection of sustainable farmland has been regulated by law as the regulation of agricultural land that is not used for agriculture up to the penal sanction but not yet enforced

Another problem, according to Jangkung Indonesian rice consumption pattern Diversify local food

Member of Commission IV of the House of Representatives, Zainut Tauhid, said that according to the results of the Research of the World Food Organization (FAO) in 2016, 19.4 million Indonesians would be starving. The main causes are poverty and the scarcity of staple foods.

"So there are still a lot of Indonesians who can not meet their food needs, especially in East of Indonesia," he said.

He therefore urged the government to continue to improve food security. country. This is intended to have an impact on improving the well-being of farmers. According to him, the creation of food security is not only a task of the Ministry of Agriculture, but it requires synergy between the relevant ministries, including the UPRP Ministry to connect the land at the market.

(Satrio Wicaksono Network / CN42 / SM)

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