Indonesia Prime exports 60,000 sheep tails to Malaysia


Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman has released the first export of sheep cattle exported by PT. Inkopmar Cahaya Buana in Malaysia today on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at the animal quarantine facility of Tendes, Surabaya.

The Minister of Agriculture said the government continues to increase exports of various strategic agricultural products, including livestock products.

"We export high quality beef, feed, hatching eggs, DOC and processed chicken meat. Today, we are exporting 2,100 sheep with an estimated value of Rp. 3.78 billion, "he said.

"The sheep that are exported this time are the ram that is intended for beef cattle," Amran said. "This export is expected to continue on an ongoing basis according to the cooperation agreement between PT Inkopmar Cahaya Buana and the importer in Malaysia, which provided that 5,000 head per month could be provided by Indonesia, which should require 60,000 sheep a year for the country.Malaysia can be satisfied, "said the Minister of Agriculture.

"Why is Malaysia supplied from a far country? Malaysia and Indonesia are a cluster, bordering, if need be, it is already exported, this is called raising. smart, "said the Minister of Agriculture.

On occasion, the exporting party also stated that the main obstacle to shipping was the livestock transport vehicle.

Initially, the shipment will be made with the help of Malaysia, using Malaysian Airlines, but the Minister of Agriculture has directly taken the initiative to contact the Minister of Transport to badist in provide transportation. "More obstacles.I immediately contacted the Minister of Transport, they are ready to help," said the Minister of Agriculture.

Amran exporter optimistic goats / sheep Indonesia can continue to increase in the future. Based on livestock statistics, the population of goats / sheep nationwide in the year 2017 up to 35,052,653 tail and up to 4.72 million head are in the province of East Java.


While goat / sheep production in 2017 has reached 124.842 tons / year, so the balance sheet surplus compared to national needs with the consumption of goat meat / sheep about 13.572 tons / inhabitant / year.

According to Amran, the export results of livestock, especially goats / sheep in Indonesia, are quite fantastic, whereas in 2017 there were only 210, while in the first export in 2018 it reached 2100 heads or increased by 1000%.

"This export proves that we can self-sufficiency in protein, open exports to the global market, and the opening of the market will also make farmers more eager to breed and increase the quantity and quality of cattle ready. to do".

On occasion, the Minister of Agriculture asked one of the sheep farmers how often they sell their sheep on the local market.

"I had a habit of selling 1.5 million recorders, to the exporter I sell 2 million Paks" said sheep farmer. "Well, that's good, it means that farmers are more profitable, more prosperous sheep rancher," said the Minister of Agriculture.

On this occasion, a hundred local sheep breeders, representing PT partner farmers, are also present. Inkopmar Cahaya Buana. Breeders come from the horseshoe area such as Lumajang, Jember, Bondowoso, Banyuwangi, Probolinggo and Situbondo.(*)

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