Indonesian truck driver attends competition in Sweden


Through competition, Volvo claims to encourage the progress of truck users

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR – About 80 pilots from all over Indonesia participated in the national qualification Volvo Trucks Indonesia Driver Challenge 2018 Only the first eight finalists will be In 1965, he won a ticket to represent Indonesia at the world finals from the home country of Volvo Trucks in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"The Volvo Trucks Driver Challenge focuses on these drivers and reinforces the importance of competent and competent drivers. This is important for the users of our trucks, because effective driving techniques will have a direct impact on their profits, "said Jurn Terpstra, General Manager of Volvo Trucks Indonesia, in Bogor, Tuesday (24/7). services enable drivers to get the most out of their expertise and be on the cutting edge, Volvo Trucks Driver Challenge 2018 aims to show how Volvo Trucks is advancing customers, Indonesian truckers, drivers and industries

Volvo Trucks Indonesia Driver Challenge 2018, jointly organized by Volvo Truck Indonesia and PT Wahana Inti Selaras,, July 26, 2018. This competition takes place while driving Volvo FH, Volvo FM and Volvo FMX on the road and off-road up to seven kilometers with a minimum of fuel.The competition this year also includes a new c ycle, participants must complete the transportation mission of more than five checkpoints, all within 45 minutes.

The Volvo Trucks Driver Challenge replaces the concept of the Volvo Trucks Fuelwatch Competition held in previous years. , and has a renewed pbadion for elevating the role of truckers, and emphasizes the importance of effective driving on the theme "The driver makes the difference". To achieve these goals, the competition will test the driver's skills in the areas of fuel efficiency, safety and maneuverability.

"The winner of the Volvo Trucks Indonesia Driver Challenge 2018 will be the driver with the highest combined road and off-road score. Points will be awarded based on energy efficiency criteria, maneuverability and safety within the specified time frame. We believe this skill is more practical and relevant to the driver's daily work, "said PT Wahana Inti Selaras CEO Bambang Prijono. 19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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