
Bisnis.com JAKARTA – PT The Indosurya Bersinar Sekuritas estimates the composite index of stock prices (IHSG) in today's session , Monday 12/02/2018) in the range of 5,640-5,958.
William Surya Wijaya, Vice President of Research at PT Indosurya Bersinar Sekuritas, said today that the stock market will start the second half of 2018.
"It will begin with the publication of inflation economic data that will be launched today, should be in condition [masih] William said that June inflation should be in the controlled range, he said, could provide a positive feeling in JCI's movement model
"Today JCI is potentially stronger," said William. 19659003] PT Indosurya Bersinar Securities trading today recommends shares HMSP, SMRA, SRIL, SMCB, WTON, WSBP, ADHI, PWON, ROTI.
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