INDOSURYA JULY 3: IHSG potentially up, recommendation 10 Shares


Employees move near to follow the movement of stock prices at the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Jakarta, Wednesday (23/05/2018). – JIBI / Nurul Hidayat JAKARTA – PT Indosurya Bersinar Sekuritas predicts the index of the Jakarta Composite Price Index (IHSG) on trading today, tuesday (3/7/2018) in the range of 5.640-5.958. JCI has the potential to strengthen, "said William Surya Wijaya, vice president of PT Indosurya's research department Bersinar Sekuritas, cited in his research.

JCI consolidated reasonable after release of controlled data on inflation

"The hope the influx of capital becomes a goal, so it can lead to the rise of JCI in the future future," said William.

19659003 ] PT Indosurya Bersinar Securities trading today recommend BBNI, ROTI, SRIL, MYOR, BBCA, BMRI, PWON, INDF, WSBP, HMSP

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