Influenza can cause death, know its symptoms

[ad_1] – Many people underestimate the flu by baduming it's just a mild illness. In fact, according to data from global health organizations (WHO), it is estimated that the number of victims of influenza reaches 500,000 people each year.

Influenza viruses are transmitted very easily by air (aerosol ) and spit (19459006) drop of water ) from an infectious person. In addition, the influenza virus can infect anyone, in good condition or in declining health.

Dr. Iris Rengganis, SpPD, K-AI, FINASIM, explains that the influenza virus is divided into two types: A and B.

Each of these types is branched into two types, namely A / H1N1 ( known as seasonal flu) and A / H3N2 (known as Australian influenza). Meanwhile, the influenza B virus is divided into B Yamagata and B. Victoria

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Iris explains, flu symptoms look like a ] cold, where the body will experience fever, headache, body aches, weakness, cough and runny nose, and sneezing. The difference is the duration of the symptoms experienced by the victim.

"In the flu, painful joints can occur, the flu can also be low for a month, if the cold does not always work, but if the flu can lay 5-10 days," said Iris during the meeting. Influenza vaccination for athletes Indonesia, Monday (16/7/2018).

Unfortunately, the similarity between the flu and the cold makes some people ignore the symptoms of the flu. treat with a sober medicine.

In fact, if complications occur, the flu can cause death.

"If the heat is very high, it's usually a complication of pneumonia or a lung infection," says Iris.

Therefore, Iris suggests a first treatment for people with flu symptoms. Bring the individual to the hospital and do a blood test to see if it is a true influeza or just a cold.

See also: How much flu vaccine is needed

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