INFOGRAPHY: List of fuel prices in the eastern region of Indonesia


JAKARTA, – On 1st July 2018, PT Pertamina (Persero) adjusted the price of fuel oil.

Fuel prices adjusted in particular for the Pertamax and Dex series

While the Premium, Solar and Pertalite prices do not increase.

Price Pertamax fell in some areas such as Papua, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara and Gorontalo

Read also: INFOGRAPHICS: BBM Price List in Java and Bali

The following infographic of fuel prices in East of Indonesia: / Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo

1. Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)

The price of Pertalite at NTB is Rp 7,800 per liter, while that of Pertamax is Rp 9,500 per liter [19659002] Pertamax Turbo The price is Rp 10,700 per liter liter.

value of Rp 9,000. The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,500 per liter [19659002] While the price of unsubsidized solar is Rp 7,900 per liter and that of unsubsidized petroleum is Rp 11,880 per liter

2 Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)

The price of Pertalite in this area is Rp 7,800 per liter. Pertamax price per liter of Rp 9500.

While Pertamax Turbo price of Rp 10,700 per liter.

Dexlite fuel of Rp 9.000 per liter. The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,500 per liter [19659002] In addition, the price of non-subsidized Solar to NTT is 100 Rp higher than that of the province of NTB, which is 8,000 Rp per liter.

Price of unsubsidized petroleum is Rp12,100. 19659002] 3. Province of Western Kalimantan

The price of Pertalite in West Kalimantan is Rp 8,000 per liter. Price Pertamax per liter is Rp 9,700.

While the price of the Dexlite fuel type is Rp 9,200 per liter. Pertamina Dex at Rp 10,750 per liter

In addition, the unsubsidized solar price of Rp 8,150 per liter and unsubsidized oil at Rp 11,660 per liter.

4. The Central Province of Kalimantan

The price of Pertalite and Pertamax in Central Kalimantan per liter is the same as in West Kalimantan, which is Rp 8 000 and 9 700 Rp per liter

Price of fuel Dexlite, Pertamina Dex and unsubsidized oil is the same as West Kalimantan, which is Rp 9,200, Rp 10,750, Rp 8,150 and Rp 11,660 per liter.

5. Province of South Kalimantan

The price of Pertalite in this area per liter is estimated at Rp 8 000. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

The price of Dexlite per liter is Rp 9200.

The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10 750.

Unsubsidized fuel of Rp 8.150 and Kerosene for Rp 11.660 per liter

6. East Kalimantan Province

The price of Pertalite, Pertamax, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex in East Kalimantan is similar to that of South Kalimantan, which is Rp 8,000, Rp 9,700, Rp 9,200 and Rp 10,750 per liter

]. The solar unsubsidized type of Rp 8,150 per liter, and unsubsidized oil is valued at Rp 11,660 per liter.

7. Province of North Kalimantan

The price of Pertalite in North Kalimantan is Rp 8,000 per liter. The Pertamax fuel in this region is Rp 9700 per liter.

Meanwhile, the fuel of Dexlite is rated at Rp 9,200 per liter, and Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,750 per liter

In addition, the unsubsidized solar price is higher. compared to East Kalimantan, at Rp 8,250 per liter

Non-subsidized petroleum price of Rp 11,660 per liter

8. Province of North Sulawesi

The price of Pertalite in this area per liter is estimated at 8,000 Rp. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

Pertamax Turbo price of Rp 10,900 per liter, and the price of Dexlite per liter is Rp 9,200.

Whereas the price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,750.

Solar fuel unsubsidized Rp 8,100 and kerosene for Rp 11,880 per liter

9. Province of Gorontalo

The price of Pertalite, Pertamax, Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex in Gorontalo is similar to the price in North Sulawesi, which is Rp 8,000, Rp 9,700, Rp 10,900, Rp 9,200 and Rp 10,750 per liter. 19659002] Price of unsubsidized diesel fuel of 8,100 rupiahs per liter and unsubsidized kerosene at a value of 11,880 rupiahs per liter.

10. Central Sulawesi Province

The price of Pertalite in central Sulawesi per liter is estimated at Rp 8,000. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

Pertamax Turbo Price is 10,900 Rp per liter, and the price of Dexlite per liter is Rp 9,200. [19659002] The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,750.

Solar fuel unsubsidized Rp 8,100 and kerosene at Rp 11,880 per liter

11. South-East Sulawesi Province

The price of Pertalite in this area is equal to the price in Central Sulawesi Province, that is, by liter valued at 8,000 Rp. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

Price Pertamax Turbo is 10,900 Rp per liter and the price of Dexlite per liter is Rp 9,200

The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,750 per liter.

Solvent-free fuel subsidies of 8,100 rupiahs and kerosene at 11,880 rupees per liter

12. The price of Pertalite, Pertamax, Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex in South Sulawesi is similar to that of South-East Sulawesi, which is 8,000 Rp, 9,700 Rp, 10,900 Rp, 9,200 Rp and 10,750 Rp per liter.

The prices of unsubsidized diesel fuel of 8,100 rupiahs per liter and unsubsidized petroleum are estimated at 11,880 rupees per liter.

13. Province of Western Sulawesi

The price of Pertalite in this zone per liter is estimated at Rp 8,000. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

Pertamax Turbo Price is 10,900 Rp per liter and the price of Dexlite per liter is Rp 9,200

The price of Pertamina Dex is Rp 10,750 per liter.

Fuel without solvent subsidies of 8,100 Rp and kerosene at 11,880 Rp per liter

14. Province of Maluku

The price of Pertalite in the province of Maluku per liter is estimated at 8,000 Rp. Pertamax price of Rp 9,700 per liter

The dexlite price per liter is Rp. 9,200

The unsubsidized solar fuel is 9,100 rp and the kerosene is 12,100 rp. liter

15. Northern Maluku Province

The price of Pertalite, Pertamax, Dexlite north of Maluku is equal to the price in Maluku Province, which is Rp 8,000, 9 Rp. 700 and Rp. 9,200 per liter [19659002] Non-subsidized land is the same, ie 9,100 rupiahs and 12,100 rupiahs per liter.

16. Province of Papua

The price of Pertalite in the province of Papua is Rp 8.000 per liter. Hrga Pertamax is 9,700 Rp per liter

While the price of Dexlite per liter is 9,200 Rp.

The unsubsidized fuel is higher than Rp in North Maluku to Rp. 9,300.

Kerosene prices The non-subsidies per liter are estimated at Rp 12 100.

17. Province of West Papua

The price of Pertalite, Pertamax and Dexlite in West Papua is equal to the price of the province of Papua , which is 8 000 Rp, 9 700 Rp and 9 200 Rp per liter

Rp 200 compared to the price in the province of Papua

Price unspecified oil Rp 12,100 per liter

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