Intense fire in Greece, melting car, body of congested hugs – VIVA


VIVA – The great fire that occurred in Greece killed 74 people and devoured a seaside resort and an area of ​​shrubs and forests. Fires even block people in a car. Some survive by jumping high cliffs to avoid flames of heat that flicker.

Dozens of damaged cars in the streets of the coastal city of Athens have even melted in the heat. While corpses were reported lying on the side of the road

Even in one area, 26 people were killed in a state of stagnation. They were among the children found near the top of the cliff overlooking the beach. They kissed, "said the head of the Greek Red Cross, Nikos Economopoulos.

" Instinct, seeing the end of life approach, they embraced "

D & # 39 other lucky ones were able to jump from a cliff to survive. "We went to the sea because the fire ran to the water The fire burned our backs and we plunged into water, "said Kostas Laganos, a survivor of Reuters.

He compared this incident to the destruction of the city of Pompeii.

According to a spokesman for the firefighters, the number It is not yet known how many people are still missing because up to now the boats are still wandering on the beach in search of other victims.

It is well known that forest fires are not uncommon in Greece A relatively dry winter and a very hot summer can ignite a major fire.

Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Portugal offered their help after Greece declared that it needed support from the European Union through air and land.

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