International Festival Semiloka Panji Indonesia 2018 Spread Love


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Semiloka (Workshop Seminar) Panji International Festival (Inao) Indonesia 2018 gives the message of "love" Love in a philosophical context, who inherits all the good; empathy and love.

"Today, I am proud, everyone participates, very eager (pbadionate), very happy, dissolved in emotions and affections, giving birth to deep contemplation. can easily show the feeling of "love" true romance, "said Professor Dr. I Made Bandem, MA (19659002) All this happened, Bandem continued, based on cultural similarity

"In Southeast Asia, any art, especially art that is related with the history of Panji has something in common. We have a common ground; the same platform in this area. Including various other cultural aspects, "said an artist, cultural and artistic teacher from Bali.

In addition to Bandem, another resource person, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dibia, SST, MA *, and initiator of the festival, Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro Acting as Moderator Dr. Je Nyoman Astita, MA, and Dr. I Komang Sudirga, Mr. Hum.

This workshop was attended by cultural activists, artists, teachers, lecturers, students, students and artistic delegates from three countries, Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia

Also participating are Kasubdit Performing Arts, Ditkesen, Ditjen, Kemdikbud Culture, Edi Irawan, and Chief of Culture of Bali Province, Drs Dewa Putu Beratha, M.Si, and other officials.

The work of the delegates of art of Indonesia, of Thailand and Cambodia, held the night before, Thursday (28/06/2018), is very interesting. the experts who were the speakers of the seminar to discuss the show.

The philosophy of movement and musical instruments has become the most controversial issue. In addition, dancing together became the most interesting ritual, followed by all the delegates from three countries

Bandem, among others, says what is called Ansambel Piphat in Thailand, has instruments similar to the Gamelan of Bali, Java and Sunda.

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