International Kite Festival Promotion of tourism in Pangandaran


PANGANDARAN, (PR) .- In addition to being led by participants from several Indonesian regions, participants from five Asian countries participated in the 2018 Pangandaran International Kite Festival which took place in Was held from Saturday to Sunday on the east coast of Pangandaran. July 14-15, 2018.

The five countries are China, India, Macao, Malaysia and Singapore. While participants from Indonesia from West Java Province such as Pangandaran, Bandung, Bekasi and Depok. For Central Java participants, namely Cilacap and East Java from Tulingagung. Regent Pangandaran H. Jeje Wiradinata inaugurated the 2018 Pangandaran International Kite Festival which was held for 2 days with Pangandaran H Adang Hadari Vice Regent. Appeared at the opening of the Ciamis police chief festival, Dandim 0613 Ciamis, head of the SKPD surrounded by the Pangandaran regency and dozens of participants

Regent Pangandaran Jeje Wiradinata said that this activity is aimed to promote the Pangandaran region. world clbad tourist destination. "Of course, there are some things that are done like the development and organization of tourism and the event Pangandaran International Kite Festival 2018 may be one of the complementary tourism promises," said Jeje .

Jeje said activities will continue to be evaluated for kedepanya This activity is more interesting as a support and complement to the tourism program, the future of the activities of the International Festival of Pangandaran Kites to be evaluated , so that it keeps growing and more and more interesting to fly kites. 19659002] Pangandaran International Kite Festival The observation of 2018 is a swafoto event by the visitors. The annual event of tourism and culture of the regency of Pangandaran was lively and able to attract the attention of local and foreign tourists

Youth District Yan Pangandaran through the head of the creative economy, Megi Rijua Parlumi, said the event was attended by five countries. "The participants came from the countries of Macao, Malaysia, Singapore, India, China and Indonesia," he told the newspaper.

Megi added that PIKF 2018 was also attended by local participants from 5 provinces and 8 districts / cities in Indonesia. Megi hopes that the event will run smoothly until the end of the activity and will become the entertainment of visitors. He said the festival was brightened by the group as 18 groups. Megi hopes, with the music of the local and regional groups of the FIKP 2018, to print seeds of musicians who can perfume the name of Pangandaran Regency. ***

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