Intimacy Insulin Resistance Teenage Obesity Who Is Diabetes

[ad_1], Jakarta The phenomenon of obesity and diabetes in children and adolescents seems impossible to stop. A recent study of the president of the Association of Indonesian Pediatricians Safe (IDAI) B Pulungan and the team revealed the presence of insulin resistance in obese adolescents (overweight ) with diabetes.

Insulin resistance means a condition when body cells can not properly use blood glucose. This occurs due to the disruption of the body's cellular response to insulin.

Insulin is a natural hormone produced by the pancreas. The consumption of dispersed foods will cause the pancreas to release insulin hormone, allowing the body to convert glucose into energy and spread throughout the body.

The insulin hormone also helps the body to store energy. Most disturbingly, a person may experience insulin resistance for years without even realizing it.

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Based on a written journal report titled Safe Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents: An Indonesian Perspective, the prevalence of insulin resistance in obese adolescents in Jakarta is 38%.

This study shows that insulin resistance in obese adolescents is highest among people with a family history of obesity and in people with symptoms. acanthosis nigricans– a condition of the skin becoming dark, thick as velvet. Condition acanthosis nigricans more visible on wrinkled and folded body parts, such as armpits, groin and neck.

"I did some research on it in children at Menteng Jakarta Primary School, so 92 children were obese and 38% had insulin resistance," Aman said. of a press conference. Children can also have diabetes at the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Jakarta, 31 October 2018.

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Sensitivity to insulin depends on ethnicity, puberty, bad, birth weight, blood pressure, high density lipoproteins (HDL), a family history of obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

An unhealthy lifestyle, like eating sugary foods, will lead to obesity. From published journal reports Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism On September 23, 2018, long-term obesity led to diabetes, which is the risk of insulin resistance in children. The metabolic syndrome can also occur.

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Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that occur simultaneously. For example, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat around the waist, and unusual cholesterol levels. Obesity in children can continue until adulthood, which can increase the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome. This leads to long-term complications, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease.

On November 14, 2018, the commemoration day of World Diabetes Day, journalist covered the theme "Children can also get diabetes." This article raises the insulin resistance that lurks in obese children and adolescents with diabetes.

Watch the following interesting video:

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