Not at the origin of drinking, patients can take antibiotics if they do

[ad_1], Jakarta Whether patients need antibiotics is not simple. Need the right diagnosis so that the use of antibiotics is more sensible.

"The doctor provides direction, should make a diagnosis.Although the diagnosis may be temporary or a direct certainty," said the executive board of the Indonesian Association of Microbiology (PAMKI) dr. Anis Karuniawati at the University of Indonesia Hospital, Depok. Written on Friday (11/16/2018).

According to Anis, patients can receive antibiotics if they have been provisionally diagnosed that the disease could be caused by a bacterium.

"Thus, a provisional diagnosis is usually based on a question-and-answer session with a patient, a physical examination, then a rapid laboratory examination.There may be a temporary diagnosis, and then antibiotics are administered," added Anis.

Anis added that if no other bacteria were found after exams such as microbiological exams (if any), the antibiotics could be stopped.

"Generally, the third or fifth day is manifested if the pain is strong enough.If nobody grows up and believes that the patient's condition should be stopped, it must stop," said the doctor, also a teacher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia.

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