Iranian Kurds: the United States will destroy if they fight against Iran


Trump was asked not to threaten the Iranian leader.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEHRAN – Iran's Kurdish military leader Qbadem Soleimani warns US President Donald Trump not to fight Tehran. He claimed that the war with Iran would destroy all the possessions of Uncle Sam.

"You know if this war will destroy everything you have, you can start this war but we will decide the end, "said Qbadem Soleimani. He also urged President Trump not to threaten Iranian society and leaders. Soleimani claimed that the United States is certainly aware of Iran's regional irony and Tehran's ability to wage an asymmetrical war.

"We will act and it will certainly work, we are close to you in a place you can not imagine," Qbadem Soleimani said, calling on the United States to launch an Iranian counter-war. to suffer if dare to threaten and challenge the United States. Iran, Trump said, will fall like any other country that has ever fought against the United States.

Also, Trump: If he keeps threatening, Iran will suffer

"Never threaten the United States, or you will face such consequences." Suffered by several other countries through the United States. History, we are no longer a country subject to crazy phrases about death and violence on your part.Trump said in a message to Rouhani

The statement was made by Trump to respond to the threat posed by Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani Regarding Uncle Sam's Policy in Tehran

Rouhani's threat of nailing to Iran would be the mother of all wars in the world. United States is not a country that will silence the statements of violence and death that Rouhani has disclosed. "Never once again threaten the United States or you will feel the consequences that have occurred and recorded in the United States. history, "said President Trump.

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