Irsan Hasan reminds future brides to do the hepatitis test before marriage

[ad_1] – Irsan Hasan as President of the Indonesian Heart Research Association. Warn the bride and groom to do a hepatitis test first. This virus of liver disease, is known to be transmitted through badual intercourse.

By performing hepatitis tests, said Irsan, the potential couple will know each other's condition. "If exposed to hepatitis B, he must be vaccinated to provide protection," said Irsan during his meeting after the event "The role of the diagnostic test in the fight against hepatitis "in [

Jakarta written on Friday (27/7/2018).

The vaccine is necessary so that couples are not infected, otherwise, if he is married, the baby will not be infected with hepatitis B.

In Indonesia, Most cases Hepatitis B occur because of heredity. Transmission by the mother's blood during the delivery of her baby

In addition, some time ago, Irsan Hasan had to report the obstacles encountered by patients who have difficulty obtaining a health permit. prescription of drugs against hepatitis B and C. This is due to the uneven distribution of gastroenterology consultants in Indonesia

Source: [mg2]

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