ISIS attacks southern Syria, 250 people killed


Jakarta, CNN – A total of 250 people were reportedly killed in suicide bombings and a series of shootings by the terrorist group ISIS in southern Syria on Wednesday (25/7). "The death toll is now rising to 246, according to Abdel Rahman, Rami Abdel Rahman, president of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the other four people killed during the Attack were pro-government militants of President Bashar Al-Assad or local residents.

This coordinated attack crashed on Sweida, Druze Province, part of which is controlled by the government despite the The last seven years

The London-based organization said the total number of casualties can still increase.

"The number of casualties continues to rise because many civilians are injured and die, as well as those who have not been found "p Abdel Rahman

The attack of the Islamic State began when a suicide bomber hit Sweida at three Once again, the fourth explosion shook Sweida a time after.

The EI claimed responsibility for the hours of attack after the fourth explosion occurred. According to the observatory, at least 45 members of the IS were killed in the attack.

Wednesday's attack was the worst bloodshed that hit Swida since the civil war in Syria in 2011. AFP Co-author of the deadly attack on Sweida, but did not provide specific information on the number of deaths. (has)

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