Israel and the Gaza militia have agreed on a ceasefire


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Israel and a number of militias in the Gaza Strip would have agreed on a ceasefire on Saturday (14/7), ending air attacks and missiles at the border.

Fawzi Barhoum, spokesman Gaza, Hamas, said that this agreement had been reached on Egypt's initiative to prevent escalating tensions that could trigger the worst border war. "Egypt is offering a return to a ceasefire to stop this escalation," Barhoum said. /7).

An Israeli spokeswoman declined to comment, but said any decision will be determined based on what happened on the ground.

Hours after the announcement, Israel reported that there were two mortar shells coming from the direction of Palestine. However, there was no official information on this report.

The news comes hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that his army had the biggest offensive since 2014 in the Gaza Strip.

He responded to the badault of militias in the Gaza Strip, which called more than a hundred rockets on Israel.

One of the Israeli airstrikes hit a building near a refugee shelter north of the Gaza Strip. Israel says the building is a Hamas training center that has tunnels inside

Health officials in Gaza say the building is empty, but two Palestinian teenagers were killed in l & # 39; attack.

Jonathan Conricus, spokesman for the army that the army had warned residents to leave the area before the badault.

The escalation of border tensions began on Friday when thousands of Palestinians gathered at the border of the Gaza-Israel Strip, continuing their protests that have intensified since last March.

The Israeli army says protesters threw burnt tires, explosive devices, throwing bombs at soldiers. One of the soldiers was wounded by a grenade thrown by a number of protesters

The mbadive action since March aims to allow the refugees to return to the homeland of their ancestors who are now the territory of Israel .

Protesters burned tires and threw stones at a railing where the Israeli army was in a state of alert. Soldiers did not hesitate to open fire when there were protesters approaching the border fence.

Reuters said that a total of 130 Palestinians were killed in the clash. Meanwhile, no casualties have fallen on the Israeli side. (has)

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