Israel jabloskan Arab poet at the prison: "I am imprisoned because I am Palestinian"


  Dareen Tatour

The Right to Photograph

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"Dareen Tatour was found guilty of doing what writers do every day – We use words to challenge the injustice peacefully, "said PEN President Jennifer Clement (left).

An Israeli Arab poet is jailed for inciting violence and supporting terrorist organizations through her message on social networks.

Dareen Tatour was arrested in 2015, related to three messages, including a video showing him reading one of his poems Resist, my people, resist it (background) [19659007TatourwhowasconvictedbyanIsraelicourtinMaywbadentencedtofivemonthsinprison

BBC correspondent in Jerusalem Yolande Knell said that the case of the 36-year-old poet again worried the issue of freedom of expression in Israel.

In his indictment, the Israeli court stated that Tatour's poems in social media provoked a wave of gunfire. (19659003) FREEDAREENTATOUR.ORG

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"Application is obviously political because I am Palestinian, because it is about freedom of speech and that I am imprisoned because I am Palestinian, "he said.

According to Israeli authorities, at least 55 Israeli Jewish citizens have been killed since October 2015 due to violent acts perpetrated with alleged perpetrators of Palestinians and Israelis of Arab origin.

As for the badailants who killed hundreds of people "I was jailed because I am Palestinian"

After being thrown in prison, Tatour admitted that he was not surprised by the verdict

"I was waiting to be abducted and that is the reality I do not expect justice This statement is clearly political because I am Palestinian because it is a question freedom of speech and that I am imprisoned because I am Palestinian, "he told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz

. spent several months in prison before being placed under house arrest in January 2016.

Right on the photograph [19659003] AFP

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The Israeli prosecutor believes that the Tatour's poetry reflects a call to violence.

Originally he was under house arrest in his apartment in Tel Aviv and his movement was restricted because the Israeli authorities considered him a "threat to public security".

Tatour was also convicted of another message. Islamic Jihad – Established as a Terrorist Organization by Israel, the United States and Great Britain – as well as the New Palestinian "Intifada" or Opposition to the Israeli Occupation

One of the Evidence Filed in the Israeli Court is a video tape showing his poetry (19659019) The indictment states that "the content of the poetry, the dissemination and the circumstances of its publication create a real possibility that violence or terrorism be committed" .

19659007] But Tatour insists that there is an error in the translation and interpretation of his poem.

"They do not understand my poetry.There is no call for violence." Tatour was also convicted of another post that, according to prosecutors, supported the Palestinian militant group Jihad Islam – created by terrorist groups by Israel, "he added (19659003) AFP

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His poems were published at the beginning of a wave of knife attacks, shooting and logging on the citizens of Israel.

The third is a photograph of an Israeli Israeli-Arab woman who was wounded by Israeli police fire after wielding a knife. The picture has been given "I am the next martyr" & # 39;

Previously, the organization of writers around the world PEN International condemned the court's decision and argued that it was "subject to his heart and his peaceful activities"

said the president from PEN, Jennifer Clement.

"PEN will continue to demand justice for this case," he said. [ad_2]
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