Israel will reopen the Gaza Strip, provided


Israel closes the Kerem Shalom border and fishing zone

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JERUSALEM – Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced that he plans to reopen the main Gaza trade route , Kerem Shalom, and expand the area of ​​Tuesday (24/7) tomorrow. If there is a calm after the truce

Previously, Israel had closed the Kerem Shalom border and reduced the area of ​​fish searching to 11 kilometers (km) of the previous 17 km after the helium balloons by the Palestinians as a border demonstration. Hostilities increased last week after Palestinian gunfire killed an Israeli soldier.

Then the Israeli army fought back to kill three Hamas fighters and a Palestinian. The violence calmed down later on Saturday after Egypt and the United Nations (UN) negotiated a truce. "We see that yesterday is perhaps the calmest day since March 30," Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday (July 22nd).

He added that if tranquility continues to this day at the border of Kerem Shalom and return the fish search area. "But the same day, unmanned Israeli planes were fired at Palestinians who stole balloons in the southern Gaza Strip," said the Israeli army

. This incident finally destroyed the calm that has occurred since yesterday. Kerem Shalom is the main link or import of two million Palestinians to Gaza.

Since the closure of the border of this line, humanitarian aid is still allowed to enter despite the slowdown. Lieberman called the incoming aid to 140 trucks a day from 1,000 to 1,100 trucks a day

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