Israeli air raid kills two young Palestinians in Gaza


Hamas says it fires mortars because Israel continues to conduct air strikes

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA CITY – At least two teenagers in the Gaza Strip are killed by Israeli airstrikes. They were killed when Israel implements attacks in enclaves closed since the war of 2014.

Reported from Aljazeera Sunday (15/7), the Palestinian Ministry of Health said Amir al-Nimri (15) and Luay Kaheel (16) died shortly after airstrikes targeting al-Kutaiba, an area in western Gaza. According to eyewitnesses, Al-Kutaiba Square is adjacent to a park frequented by families during the weekend, especially during the summer. "That's why so many civilians were injured in the last attack," said Maram Humaid, a journalist in Gaza.

In a post Twitter the Israeli army confirmed that it was targeting a large building and had warned people to flee before the attack. Witnesses testified that the two teenagers who were killed were playing on the roof of the building when the incident occurred.

Two others were wounded in previous Israeli air strikes targeting several neighborhoods in Gaza. The number of injured casualties has thus been increased to 14.

Palestinian officials have stated that following the attack on al-Kutaiba, a ceasefire agreement has been reached. concluded through international and regional mediation efforts. In a Twitter post, Hamas, the group that governs the Gaza Strip, said the efforts of several parties, including Egypt, had managed to put in place a lasting ceasefire

. Earlier in the day, the Israeli army attacked several Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip. Israeli soldiers say that more than 90 mortars and rockets have been fired in the past 24 hours, most of them causing no damage, rockets hitting a synagogue, The report of Aljazirah of Jerusalem

is considered to be the The most serious escalation since 2014. The Israeli army says its fighter jet is targeting a complex used to prepare for terrorist attacks and Hamas training facilities. He also claimed to have attacked two Hamas tunnels, one in southern Gaza and the other in the north, as well as other infrastructure in the besieged coastal region. Hamas Fawzi Barhoum said that Hamas was responsible for mortar fire in Israel. "The protection and defense of our people is a national task and a strategic choice," said Barhoum.

Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians have been halted since 2014 and Israeli settlements have been extended into the occupied territories. Palestine had the intention to be part of the state of Israel.

Gaza experienced the biggest conflict in 2014, when at least 2,251 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed. At least 66 Israeli soldiers and six civilians were also killed.

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