Israeli troops stormed the Al-Aqsa complex, scores of wounded Jamaat, including three mosque guards


SERAMBINEWS.COM, JERUSALEM – Israeli police sent reinforcements to the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday (27/08/2018) in the midst of clashes between Israeli police and worshipers.

"At least 50 policemen" An eyewitness from the Anadolu Agency said "Meanwhile," he added, "Israeli forces have closed the door of Al-Aqsa and prevented anyone from Entering the compound of the mosque. "

A Palestinian official working in the area told the Anadolu Agency that" dozens "of Palestinians had been wounded after the entry. Israeli troops in the camp and began to attack the faithful.

  Palestinians protest against the intervention of Israeli troops in the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex. The Muslim faithful on July 27, 2018 in Jerusalem. Palestinians were injured.
Palestinians protest against the intervention of Israeli troops in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and begin attacking Muslim worshipers on July 27, 2018 in Jerusalem. Dozens of Palestinians were reportedly injured. (Read: Jordan protests against Israeli mistreatment at Al-Aqsa)

(Read: The Israeli army captures 12 Palestinians who read the Quran in the Al-Aqsa complex)

In an (19659007) Arab al-statement, Firas al-Dibs, a spokesman for the Waqf Religious Authority headed by Jordan, said that at least 60 soldiers had entered the shrine, "where they have used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the faithful. "

"Fifteen Palestinians were wounded, including three guards at the mosque," he added.

According to al-Dibs, Israeli authorities sealed the Al-Qibali mosque with iron chains and prevented Palestinian pilgrims from entering the building.

The Declaration of Hamas and Al-Azhar

The Hamas-based Gaza Resistance Movement condemns the provocation "dangerous" of Israel.

In a statement, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said: "This dangerous terrorist act aims to target the identity of Al-Aqsa Muslims and Arabs."

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