It's a disease that often attacks children


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Symptoms of colds and high heat in children are generally considered flu by parents. However, the term was bad in medical health.

See also:
Recognizing Rinitis Disease That Frequently Attacks Children

Tips for Overcoming Influenza in Children Without Drugs

The Most Specific Term is Common Cold common cold fever). This disease comes from 100 viruses that infest the body. One is the flu virus. "The term flu is false.The correct term is a cold or common cold .The flu is a virus.Fruits occur because there are 100 viruses that appear," said Dr. Darmawan Budi Setyanto Sp.A (K).



The cold infects the nose and throat.The symptoms of this disease include sneezing, snotty up to the Nasal congestion. "It's a nasal infection and its environment. The inflammation is not just a throat, but all the nose to the throat, "said Darmawan.

Selesma is quite normal in children. dr. Darmawan Budi Setyanto Sp.A (K) said that a child can be infected with a cold six to eight times a year. The disease can be cured on its own.

"There is no effective antiviral drug because there are 100 viruses.This self-limited alienation can improve on its own", added Dr. Wahyuni, Sp.A (K) on the same occasion.

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Even in this case, parents must always be vigilant. Children may develop conbad diseases such as rhinitis if they are exposed to intense heat or intense cold from the beginning, if they do not recover after 10 days of illness or if their condition is severe. Suddenly worsens. Try to monitor the condition of the sick child and consult a doctor.


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