Jakarta inflation 0.48 percent, food prices in controlled capital during Ramadan


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – DKI Jakarta experienced an inflation of 0.48% between June 2018 and April 2018, which coincided with the fasting moment and Lebaran. This figure is lower than the national inflation of 0.59% against May 2018.

"Jakarta's inflation in June 2018 was below the historical average of inflation Idul Fitri during of the last three years, which is 0.69% (mtm), "said Trisno Nugroho, head of the BI office in Jakarta, in a statement written Monday (07/02/2018).

Despite the 39, inflation, Trisno claimed that food prices in the capital during fasting and Lebaran are under control. Volatile Foods which is often volatile in Idul Fitri, currently showing a stable movement.

The products rice still show price declines of 1.16 percent compared to May 2018 in line with abundant supply.In the meat group and the results, the price of chicken meat and beef is under control Each rose by 1.30% and 0.93%.

"In the last three years, the pri x of these two products have been volatile and could reach 3.01% and 2.02%, "said Trisno.

In addition, red pepper price inflation that was stable at 0.37%. Overall, said Trisno, achieving food inflation in June 2018 of 0.76 percent. This figure is more restrained than inflation ahead of Idul Fitri over the past three years, which averaged 1.36%.

Trisno stated that price stability is ensured by various TPID DKI programs in Jakarta Province and better coordination between agencies. prices, and the formation of positive expectations from the community.

Various activities were conducted with three BUMD foods from DKI Jakarta, namely PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, PD. Dharma Jaya and PD. Pasar Jaya, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Agriculture, and other related bodies, including Bulog and Task Force (Satgas) food. Activities are conducted through inventory management, low-cost markets, bazaars, food subsidies and non-hoarding.

"The socialization of smart spending, as well as the consumption and processing of frozen meat and processed peppers through various media are conducted to influence people's consumption behavior to facilitate demand management. and food supply.In line with the volatile food category, said Trisno, administered prices also experienced a fairly steady movement.The demand for transport services during the holidays of Idul Fitri, particularly in the air and intercity modes, is relatively under control.

Various government infrastructures such as roads and toll roads offer a more varied mode of transportation. interurban freight rate recorded at 7.71%, lower than the previous triennium average of 10.17%.

These price developments have led to The group's transportation, communication and financial services costs at 1, 09 percent, below the average Idul Fitri over the past three years of 1.25 percent.

Trisno added that low inflation was also supported by stable commodity price development in the core group. Rising prices for food, beverages, cigarettes and low-paid tobacco are the main drivers of stable unit groups.

"Controlled food prices used as raw materials for finished foods contributed to the achievement of low inflation," he said.

Noting the price trend in the market and the government's pricing policy, inflationary pressures in July 2018 should remain under control. Trisno said that the new school year is expected to cause an increase in inflation in the education group.

However, people's demand for food and transportation services should decrease with the end of the Idul Fitri celebration. Trisno said that strengthening coordination between the Indonesian Bank and the provincial government of DKI through the TPID is needed to ensure that the controlled inflation of 2018 remains in the corridor, which can be compensated for. increase of the education group. 3.5 percent. The safeguarding of Jakarta's food stock by optimizing the role of BUMD and in coordination with the various stakeholders must be continuously pursued. "1965" "The formation of positive expectations for the community will always be made." Controlled inflation of DKI Jakarta will support sustainable economic growth and improve the well-being of the capital. and national, "said Trisno. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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