JCI Composite JCI, Investors Can Choose Fixed Income Mutual Funds


JavaPos.com – The composite index of stock prices (IHSG) yesterday, Wednesday (4/7), recorded its lowest level since the beginning of the year. The index recorded a decline to the level of 5 593 points. The index broke the solid support level of 5,600 points and formed a new support at the level of 5,500 points.

The main feelings affecting the index are external feelings such as commercial wars. In addition, the weakening of rupiah has become one of the negative feelings for the index.

Associate chief researcher of PT Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia (RELI), Lanjar Nafi suggested that investors will be more attentive to see the direction of the stock market movement and always update with the development of the market.

Lanjar baderted, amid the weakening of the index, and the strengthening of the Dollar against Rupiah, that investors should pay more attention and reduce the portfolio of shares or high risk badets. Where the badet is very vulnerable to the weakening of the exchange rate, foreign investors have reduced their portfolio shares and have recovered their badets in US dollars in order to save the value of their badets.

"The shares of issuers with large debts in the form of USD will have the main impact, but the shares of the exporting companies will benefit from the depreciation of the Rupiah." In order to minimize the risk, it would be wise for investors to divide the Share shares and get into mutual fund investing, "Lanjar told Jakarta on Thursday (5/7).

In a context of market volatility, investors can increase the share of investment in mutual funds. Fixed or mixed-income mutual funds, according to Lanjar, are pretty wise with the monitoring and management of a reliable investment manager.

Of course, for investor returns to be more optimal, he hopes the government will continue to evaluate fiscal and monetary policies. In this way, the market will regain its composure and investors will be more and more free to invest funds.

"In the middle of the JCI, which continues to be depressed because of the rupee's depreciation is taking a more aggressive badessment of monetary policy on interest rates, banking policies until the end. Exchange rate intervention, "explained Lanjar.

He explained that credit growth had reached double digits at a level of 10.26% yoy in May and stable inflation of 3%, the government should be more aggressive in the evaluation of the policy monetary.

Well, in a volatile market situation, Lanjar suggests short-term investment strategies or stock trades that have fallen sharply and equities are affected by a positive sentiment of government monetary policy despite its short-term character.

"Bank securities such as BMRI, BBRI, BBTN and BBNI and construction real estate stocks such as BSDE, ASRI, WIKA and PTPP," he said.

Finally, from within the country, always look at the central bank's policy. As the prospect of the pursuit of Bank of Indonesia interest rates to strengthen the trend until the end of the year, reflects the good data of early credit growth of the year to restrict the sale of foreign investors.

"From abroad, US tariff policy on imports of Chinese and European goods has accelerated US economic growth," he said.

Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia's director, Sriwidjaja Rauf, added that in addition to being a subscriber and a broker, RELI also holds a license as a mutual fund seller.

"People who want to invest in mutual funds can go to RELI branches in various areas where people can ask questions about investment products," Sriwidjaja said.

Just like saving in a bank, investing in a mutual fund should also start by opening an account opening form (RPF). To be able to open this RPF, you no longer need to go to the office of investment managers or mutual fund issuers. Just come to the APERD office, like Reliance Securities. There, people can ask questions about mutual fund products.

Sriwidjaja added: RELI sells a variety of mutual fund products that can be selected and adapted to the needs of the community. Of course, RELI also sells mutual fund products issued by PT Reliance Investment Manager, including Sharia Reliance, Reliance Fund Reliance, Reliance Planned Fund and Reliance Intelligent Planned,

By investing, like mutual funds, be sure to set goals, as this will determine which mutual fund products should be held. The purpose of the investment should also include the period of how many years will invest.

Also, trying to invest in stocks, understand and learn the product to buy first. Make sure, too, whether the product has the legality that has been approved by the authority of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Next, look for complete information, the company that sells the investment product. Do not hesitate to ask directly to OJK or BEI. Position as a smart investor. Always learn and understand the products (stocks) that will be bought basically or technically. Learn also the character of yourself.

Is the type of investor moderate, conservative or speculative? Then, the investment choices are made for a long or a short term

(srs / JPC)

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