Joget wear section dress in front of the mosque, two Chinese girls expelled from Malaysia


Two Chinese tourists were fined and deported from Malaysia after committing a disrespectful act in front of a place of worship.

The two women, Wan Han (37) and Zhang Na (25) recorded their action while dancing. in front of the Kota Kinabalu Mosque in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, which they then loaded into cyberspace.

The video immediately aroused criticism from the Muslim majority citizen. The case was also brought before the Council of the mosque, which found that the acts of these two tourists were wrongdoing and decided to suspend his second visit to Malaysia.

According to police, both tourists were fined 25 rupees Rp 88,000) and immediately escorted to the local airport

Both are immediately required to board the flight in China. The Sohu information site reported on Friday (29/06/2018). "Not long ago, two Chinese tourists recorded their dance videos on the wall of the floating mosque in Kota Kinabalu," a statement issued by the Chinese consulate's office in Kinabalu said Tuesday. / 2018

. social media and have a bad reaction on the part of the local community, "the statement added.The Sabah Tourism Ministry, the immigration office and the city's police department have cooperated to conduct an investigation and the management of the mosque stopped the two visitors

The consulate also reminds Chinese tourists to always respect the laws and regulations of the country. "Tourists must respect local traditions and customs, follow the guidelines and not discuss taboos, they must maintain the good image of Chinese tourists, "said the consulate in a statement

.Wear a minimal shirt in front of the house of worship, two tourists expelled from Malaysia", Author: Agni Vidya Perdana
Publisher: Agni Vidya Perdana

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