TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – The Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, considers that the Solo-Jogja toll mentioned will be a solution to the congestion that has not been unraveled.
According to him, Solo Yogya's trip is currently too long. (19659002) "Yogyakarta-Solo can be up to three hours, we must like the solution.It is important to make the road again, that the artery if the highway is important", has Budi told UGM Yogyakarta on Saturday (30/6/2018). The Minister of Transport added that the toll road that pbades through Yogyakarta will be part of the toll road in Java [19659002"InthenearfutureonthesouthsideofBandung-Garut-TasikhewillgotoBawenYogya"saidtheMinisterofTransport
Projected that the toll will connect the territory Jogja-Solo-Semarang (Joglosemar).
" The master plan already exists, If I propose Bawen-Yogyakarta to Solo," I (19659002) The Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi "width =" 700 "height =" 393 "/ >
Previously, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X Read: The reason for Prambanan's territory can not be ignored Toll road of Solo Jogja
Read: Semarang-Jogja toll road development plan, Bawen Tembus Magelang up to Sleman
But he asks that the built way be made high or float
Previously reported, there is a plot of toll road construction project that connects the triangle of the city of Jogja-Solo-Semarang (Joglosemar). The project includes the Jogja-Solo toll and the Semarang Jogja toll
The previous news, the Semarang-Jogja toll road, Indra Gautama, director of the Priority Infrastructure Supply Committee (KPPIP), will involve a number of domains
The Regency of Central Java and DIY, three regencies in central Java are the regency of Semarang, the regency of Magelang, the regency of Temanggung and a regency in diy, namely the regency Yogyakarta's governor said Yogyakarta's outer lane outside DIY areas. (*)
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