Johnson & Johnson sentenced to pancreatic cancer associated with 67 billion rupees


AMERICA- Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay US $ 4.7 billion or Rp67 trillion in compensation to 22 women who claimed that the powdered products caused them uterine cancer.

Initially a court in the state of Missouri, United granted 550 million US dollars, or 7,900 billion rupees, but added 4.1 billion rupees to 5700 billion rupees in damages.

The decision was made while the drug giant

During the six-week trial period, women and their families reported having suffered from cancer of the cervix. 39, uterus for decades.

J & J expressed his "great disappointment" and his intention to appeal. 19659002] Of the 22 women in this case, six died from uterine cancer.

Their lawyer accuses the company of Aan knew asbestos poisoned powder powder since the 1970s but did not warn consumers of its risks.

"Unfair Process"

Talc or powder is a mineral sometimes found on the ground adjacent to asbestos.

J & J denies products containing asbestos and confirms that it does not cause cancer.

The drug giant adds a number of studies showing powder-safe powders and court rulings result from "fundamentally unfair processes". The American drug (FDA) commissioned a study on a number of powders, including J & J, from 2009 to 2010 and did not find asbestos.

But prosecutors told the Missouri court that the FDA and Johnson & Johnson were using faulty methods.

This decision is J & J's largest payment for various allegations.

The J & J Injury Penalty successfully reversed a number of judges' decisions, in part for technical reasons

In an earlier decision in 2017, California jurors allocated $ 417 million US or 6 trillion rupees to a woman claiming to have uterine cancer. (19659002) Johnson & Johnson said: "All verdicts pronounced against Johnson & Johnson in this court go through the appeal process was canceled and the number of errors that occurred in this court is worse than that of the previous courts, which (the verdict) was also overturned. "(BBC)

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