Jokowi asked exporters to take advantage of the opportunities of the trade war


Entrepreneurs are encouraged to find non-traditional export markets.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) encouraged businessmen to boost their exports by resorting to trade wars. In the presence of thousands of companies, Jokowi also asked entrepreneurs to also look for non-traditional export markets.

"We continue to expand the penetration of non-traditional markets, both of South Asia and Africa that many do not support.I want the Ambbadador, the Consul General, is working hard for our non-traditional markets, "Jokowi said at the inauguration of the 33rd Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) in ICE, Tangerang, Wednesday (10/24).

Jokowi stressed that it was necessary to increase exports to improve the trade balance deficit and the current account deficit. If the import figure is still higher than exports, he points out that the deficit will still persist.

"In 2017, our current account deficit stood at 17.3 billion US dollars, a significant figure … At the moment, imports are still larger than exports. the deficit persists, "he said.

The president then also appreciated the industry players who had tried to enter the export market of a non-traditional country. In particular, Jokowi felt that economic actors had the opportunity to increase their exports, especially at the time of the inter-country trade war.

"Take this opportunity to enter the abandoned market that has just been fighting, it's an opportunity we should be able to use as best we can," said Jokowi.

Jokowi said exports from January to September 2018 rose 9.2% to $ 122 billion. This figure is even better than in 2017.

As a result, Jokowi said that Indonesian exports are improving. This was also observed in Indonesia's trade balance, which had a surplus of up to $ 220 million in September.

"It's still small but it's surplus and we hope it will become a tradition every month later in October," he said.

Therefore, said the president, the government will continue to encourage companies to increase their exports, including providing incentives. "I still do not know what incentives we can provide so that factories, businesses and industries are all pushed into the export market," he said.

Jokowi also reminded companies to improve and improve production and packaging designs based on market demand. In addition, it has also encouraged the promotion of products to be realized in different ways, including through various exhibitions and online.

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