Jokowi makes a surprising statement about electric cars – VIVA


VIVA – The desire to introduce electric vehicles has existed for several years. However, until now, the legal umbrella has not been published yet.

At first, the Ministry of Industry had indicated that the rules for electric cars would be completed in early 2018. However, this could only be achieved at the end of the year.

The Ministry of Industry has sent the political agreement to the Ministry for the Coordination of Maritime Affairs to obtain the approval of President Joko Widodo.

The director of the marine industry and defense equipment of the Ministry of Industry, Putu Juli Ardika, said that the process of development of the regulation of electric vehicles should be the subject of a study, coordination and in-depth discussions involving various parties.

Putu acknowledged that the drafting of the presidential regulation had been delayed because several elements had not been harmonized between several stakeholders.

As a result, in April 2018, discussions about the project of electric vehicles Perpres previously to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources were transferred to the Ministry of Industry.

"Because in the Perpres project, there are still articles, especially those relating to the chapter on industrial development, which we consider to be inconsistent with the direction and policy of the national automobile industry. it must be harmonized with the rules and regulations that govern it, "he said recently.

When confirmed, Jokowi said that so far he had not received the Perpres project. According to him, once it is before him, the regulations will be published soon.

"What is clear has not yet arrived at my table, when I am at my table, I sign," said Jokowi, Wednesday, November 7, 2018.

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