Jusuf Kalla meets with Vice President of The Gambia and invites the OIC Summit


Jakarta, Gatra.com – Vice President Jusuf Kalla (Vice President JK) receives the honorary visit of Gambia Ousainou ANM Darboe Vice President of Vice President Palace Jl. Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Monday (16/7).
After the meeting, Vice President JK revealed that in the talks, in addition to wanting to improve relations between Indonesia and The Gambia, the vice president of The Gambia also wants to convey the invitation of the Summit OIC Countries

The Gambia wishes to convey an invitation as well as an explanation of the Islamic Ummah Summit in The Gambia, and also to improve Indonesia's relations with The Gambia ", Vice President JK told the press team

OIC Member States

"I hope that the leadership of The Gambia will benefit Muslims from members of the # 39; OCI, "he said.

The visit of the Gambian vice president lasted from July 11 to 12, 2018 the largest Muslim in the world, Indonesia also hosted various events including the Summit OKI

For information, the badistance provided by Indonesia to The Gambia includes the agricultural training program through the Agricultural Rural Farmers Training Center in Jenoi since 1998 until now. In addition to training in protocol techniques and holding international conferences for 65 participants.

The Gambian government requests similar training, as well as a field practice for high-level participants, mainly the OIC 2019 Summit Committee.

(19659003) Vice-President Accompanying President Ousainou includes the Permanent Secretary of President Ebrima Siswo, the Director General of the Gambia Secretariat of the OIC Lamin Sanneh, Director of Protocol, the Office of Vice President Moses Sinyan, and Ambbadador Gambia Ramzia Diab Ghanim

Meanwhile, Vice President JK was accompanied by Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi, Deputy Secretary to Vice President Mohamad Oemar, Deputy for Development and Human Development Assistance Bambang Widianto , Director General for Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard

Publisher: Anthony Djafar

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