KAI passes 6.2 million passengers during the Lebaran transport period


  KAI Pbades 6.2 Million Pbadengers During the Lebaran Transport Period - JPNN.COM

(19659003) JAKARTA – The Lebaran Railway Transport Implementation Goes Smoothly with the Zero Accident Predicate

Lebaran this year, KAI has alerted a total of 393 trips a day, consisting of 353 regular KA trips and 40 additional train trips.

Available total siege capacity is 236,210 seats per day during Lebaran 2018.

"This number increased by 3.5 percent from the Lebaran period last year.This year, PT KAI has also operated a luxurious-type night train that has just been produced by PT Inka to support service improvements during the Lebaran transport period, "said Edi Sukmoro KAI, Chief Executive Officer of

. June 5, 2018 (S1-10) to June 26, 2018 (H2 + 10) KAI carried a total of 6,236,229 pbadengers, ie 3,316,226 main railway pbadengers (distance and intermediate all clbades combined) and 2,920,003 pbadengers (19659003 ) "This number is up 6.59% of the total number of main and local rail pbadengers by 2017. In the meantime, the highest volume of pbadengers transported during the transport period is the H1-5 Lebaran, June 10, 2018 for mudik stream and H2 + 1 l e 17 June 2018 for the refoulement with the number of pbadengers carried up to 275 255 people for the return trip to the main and local train and 374 247 people for the return, "he explains.

Lebaran transportation period this year also showed a positive increase over last year. The accuracy of the departments of regular and additional trains this year was recorded at 99.46% and 98.12%, improved compared with the transport period

last year which was 98, 56% and 95.9%. The average number of regular and additional train arrivals has also improved this year, rising from 14.31 minutes and 20.58 minutes last year to 8.8 minutes and 13.24 minutes this year.

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