KAI requested the addition of a travel route


Warta Ekonomi.co.id, Jakarta

Lili Asdjudiredja, Member of Committee VI of the House of Representatives, expressed hope that PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) could increase train travel, especially during Idul Fitri. train added so that the transport capacity is great and people do not use private vehicles such as motorcycles, "said Lili Asdjudiredja through information received in Jakarta, Friday 27/07/2018.

According to Lili, adding train routes, In the future, it is also expected that the number of travelers returning home will be reduced.

Golkar politicians are reminded that, according to data from 2018, the number of private vehicles would reach about 14 million and that of motorcycles, 105 million. 19659003] For that, he said, although the traffic scheme be made as possible, potentially does not reduce congestion when Many residents prefer to use private vehicles rather than public transport.

Previously, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Persero will add luxury luxury luxury trainer service on Jakar roads ta-Solo and Jakarta-Yogyakarta from the moment this is already operated on the station of Gambir Jakarta-Pasar Turi Surabaya PP

"We make an badessment to provide the luxury train service sleeper for the roads of Yogya and Solo. Both destinations are likely to attract many of these luxury trainers, "said PT KAI director Edi Sukmoro in Jakarta on Tuesday (3/7/2018).

He explained that the period Test of this luxury train operation will end July 2018 after its launch on June 12 or in conjunction with Lebaran 2018.

"We evaluate and see how great the public interest is, is it possible to extend this service? ", he explained.Until July 3, 2018, the number of pbadengers was 1 208.

" The occupancy rate of this sleeper is very high, even reaching 100%. We are really looking at, the great interest of the community is whether it just wants to try because it is happy or even because it is necessary. "(FNH / Ant)

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