VIVA – A grab-based transport application company released a starter pack or a starter pack for 75 thousand Rp with a quota of 15 GB, 200 minutes of phone and 500 SMS for other operators
Telkomsel Sukardi Silalahi said the cooperation is to provide the best connectivity for the Grab driver's partner.
"This is because the coverage area of Telkomsel (19459010) is the most extensive.In addition to the quality of use of the application, the range is wider and certainly less dear, "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 10, 2018.
He added that in the future, Telkomsel wants to develop security services for users. On the same occasion , General Manager Grasp Indonesia, Ridzki Kramadibrata said, the number of the pilot's partner there is also to get this starter card
"We also hope to add the function of Credit with the Grab app, "he explained, not only with Telkomsel, Grab is also badociated with PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk to facilitate the benefits of pilots by buying smartphones Samsung brand at a special price.
According to him, a Grab driver will receive a notification to purchase products from this program. However, until now, only those living in Jabodetabek can get it
"Currently, Jabodetabek is targeted nationwide because our network is entirely national," Ridzki said. The purchase of this special product can only be purchased by the driver's partner who is notified and purchased in 11 Erajaya stores located in the Jabodetabek region.
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